- Chinchilla cooling ice nest ceramic platetrūRapid FIV/FeLV Feline Immunodeficiency Virus Antibody Test & Leukemia Virus Antigen Test

Size 25 Tests

Help stop the spread of these cancer-causing viruses with regular
screening and early disease detection. Feline leukemia virus and feline immunodeciency virus are common causes for cancer and a variety of other illnesses in feline patients. Early identification remains an important factor for treating secondary illnesses and preventing new infections. Employ gold standard diagnostics by utilizing the trūRapid FIV/FeLV test as a part of your  screening and prevention programs.


Accuracy, Reliability, Speed, and Ease-of-Use:

  • Long shelf life with no refrigeration needed
  • 10 minutes to results
  • Excellent specificity/sensitivity
  • Single, easy-to-use cassettes with no need to snap
  • Utilize anti-coagulated whole blood, serum, or plasma