- Elderly dog ​​joint care mattressCranimals Urinary Tract Infection Test Kit For Dogs

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Item discontinued until further notice Simple urine test kit for dogs For detecting parameters indicative of urinary tract infection One step method with rapid results Non invasive and pain free Easy and economical method to monitor and tract dog's urinary tract health
Monitor and track your pets urinary tract health in an accurate and economical way, avoiding costly, unnecessary trips to the vet.
The Cranimals Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) Test Kit For Dogs is a reagent strip device intended for the early screening of UTIs, detecting blood, leukocytes (AKA white blood cells) and nitrite in animal urine.
Any of these parameters, if present in urine, is an indicator of Urinary Tract Infection.
UTIs are usually caused by intestinal or environmental bacteria that enter and ascend the urethra, ultimately proliferating in the pet’s urinary bladder.

Some observable symptoms are:
Frequent Urination
Straining or crying out in pain when trying to pass urine
Inappropriate urination in places that are not customary
Strong urine odor

However, some affected pets may show no clinical signs.
If the infection is not detected early, it can spread to the kidneys and lead to more serious health conditions requiring surgery.

Cranimals Health Check Test Kit offers:
One step method
Non invasive and pain free
Results in 2 minutes
Easy to read test device
2 individual tests included

Each Urinary Tract Infection Test Kit for Dogs contains:
Test device in a foil pouch with easy to read diagnostic colour chart
Easy to read instructions

* The Cranimals P-catch telescopic urine collection device may be purchased separately (give link) to collect a clean urine sample from dogs in a free catch manner.